For those of you have never spent a significant chunk of time in Maine....Here are some tips for ya.
Apiece: Some distance, sometimes a segment of time.
Bug: Lobster.
Finest kind: The very best around, also a drug reference.
Car: Any kind of automobile.
Dite: A small amount.
Flatlandah: Someone "from away" (or from the "flatlands", specifically referring to nearby southern New England and urbanized states like Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, etc.)
Bumpah Stickas are popular.
So are personalized plates.

I took this picture with my phone.
I guess the days of talking and pumping are over.

Sangillos...Jello shots and locals = Heaven

This was displayed in the window of a souvenir shop down in the Old Port.
In case you can't see.
It's a global warming mug....When it heats up it shows you the disapearing coastlines.
Is this disturbing to anyone else?

All drinks are served in pint glasses....Which...To me is a slice of heaven on earth.
5 bucks for a pint glass size Stoli soda.
Love it.
Love Maine.

1 comment:
just got back from maine a few hours ago. it's top notch. LOVED IT. did you happen to have any chowdah while you were there? i ate 2 bowls of it at gilbert's that had bacon in it but my vegetarian ass couldn't resist! photos from the trip are up on my blog. peep them!
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